Saturday, June 16, 2007

Top Ten Ways You Know an Annual Contract Teacher has been Rehired.

10. Instead of sneaking into the office for their mail, they have a kind of “peacock-like” strut.
9. They get the same “emergencies” on the day of a faculty meeting.
8. Walkthroughs are now greeted with a casual wave rather than a flurry of fake activity.
7. Tenured teachers know who they are, not just what they look like (well…maybe)
6. They join their colleagues in their attempt to “beat the busses out of here”
5. Their discipline referral forms no longer have 3 page explanations attached.
4. They refer to the principal by his/her first name in lunchroom conversations.
3. Their stated opinions about standardized tests no longer include the words “positive" and "enriching".
2. They stop volunteering for things that no one else wants to do.
1. They don’t finish anyth

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