Saturday, June 16, 2007

Top Ten Reasons my life as a teacher will never be made into a summer blockbuster film.

10) The only thing I have had to “overcome” is my own laziness (and even that is debatable).
9) You need at least one likeable kid in any school movie.
8) The only person who could play me would be Bill Gates, and I don’t think he does movies.
7) A movie about a guy who “cuts corners” does not have sex appeal.
6) I drive a Honda. Never has there been an amazing car chase featuring a Late 90’s blue Civic.
5) The only dramatic thing about the FCAT is the speed in which administrators are changed after the results are in. (zing!)
4) I think there has already been a movie about a skinny privileged white guy trying to make a difference…what’s it called? Oh yeah…WarGames.
3) Often times I bore myself, I can only imagine what moviegoers would feel.
2) To make the movie we would need a cast of thousands just to cover our monthly faculty changes.
1) It’s all politics!

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